Inovation from Anette Lovas Cross.

Today we have a lecture with Anette Lovas from Cross.

The morning and before lunch she told as about a lot of stuff, to be frankly I was a bit tired so I have problems recalling everything here in the blogg but she told us about user experience and interactive design and so on, she was really good and a good speaker so I enjoyed the morning.

The second part of the day we got an assignment where we were about to re-design Radiotjänstens webpage.8
(For you who dosnt know, radiotjänsten is the "society" to whom you pay the license for public service tv and radio in Sweden. and since many people are trying to avoid the fee of public service media channels the goal was to make more people pay.)

The goals were many but one of them was to create a new concept and lead traffic to their website.
In my group it was Daniel L, Johan, Daniel and Andreas. We had a lot of great ideas and the 45 minutes for the assignment flew away quickly, time for presentation.

Some of our ideas were these ones:
- create a sort of community with three different kinds of target groups, so you can reach to everyone.
- give more value for the customer, make them wanna pay the fee and be a part of a network
- use the media channels by having great commercials leading to the website
- re-design the whole webpage so it gives a better experience and is easier to use for the customer
- connets the public service networks to Radiotjänsten.

All groups hade very good presentations, some better than other but overall very good.

After the presentation Martin said to me Lets learn you some CSS, good for me and he thought me the basics, now Im avarage. or maybee not but still a bit good.
I will learn more php css xhtml and maybee ajax even soon. Theres a lot left to learn.

Inspiration always?

We are your trash.

TRASH // [email protected]


- Me and my friend Markus is about to start a Club at a bar in Vasteras. And today I started working on some stuff for it, the pictures I put together gave me an idea about how my portfolio/blog/biography shall look so it was a really good day.
I love the new idea about design and fashion working together to make a portfolio.

Portfolio for the win.

I woke up this morning on the wrong side, my arms are hurting and my back as well.
It was a pretty tough weekend.

Today Im at home, tired and destroyed but I have been working a bit with my portfolio, sketching som ideas for a layout for the homepage and so, I think Im gonna take some help from  Martin when I design it later.
I will soon also start working on the profile for "trash", our new club in Vasteras. This is a good project to try some new interesting design ideas.

I also have to get one new website so i can move my blog or at least get a better URL for it.
there is a lot going on as you can see.

I also have to find a new home pretty quickly so Im interested in everything.

Evaluation - IS

What IS evaluation.
Thats the part where we get back and realise what we have done since the time fly by so fast.

today I have tried some camera effects in after fx, might have learned something, well acctually I dont know.
I have also done som easy pixel animation. maybee you will see that later on.

Today we had one of our webcams live on the net, it was on Jonathans blogg and here is the adress.

thats all for now.
good weekend.

my video from the motion week.

As I said earlier, its the first thing I do. wait and see.

Do I know motion? I know design.

Dont even care about the headline, its a reaction to the two assignments that have owned me for the past two days.
First it was the pentagon movie, we made it 30sec long and filled with a lot of pentagons, my part was awful but it was also the first time I had worked in the program.

The second assignment was the individual 15 sec long movie, Im not really satisfied with it because the process right now is so fast, Im learning new stuff every minuite in After Fx and I get new design ideas all the time.
If I could do it over again, it would be better and different, but I will have this movie as a meassurement for the future, to look back at and realise that "damn was I this bad at After Fx and flash?"

Tomorrow we will have evaulation of the stuff we did on the motion week, I really enjoyed it and will surely play in after Fx a lot this weekend, try new tutorials and new ideas.

I dont really know how long i have been sitting in school this week but already around 40 hours, thats crazy since its thursday and we havnt even started yet.

Some goals for the future:
- Learn more camera and light effects in After FX
- Read some more about CSS and PHP
- Some simple action scripts in Flash

that will do for now!
best regards,

Flash. textfield.1. Lets do flash.

First day of motion almost at an end,
I will leave school as soon as Im finished downloading some new programs.


First part of the day:
I was a bit tired since we got to Stockholm by car from Vasteras, it was also a long weekend with a lot of work and hanging around with people. I also took care of my sisters son a bit.
We got to see a lot of things done by people, they called it inspiration and it was OK, some good stuff by fakepilot. (
Second part of the day:
The flash lecture, Oh my, it was what I needed. Some good tips on basic stuff , good for an amature like me.
We also got the new assignment for the group, this time when we got the task we wasnt so passive, I really think that our evaluation from the last project helped us and this time we are going to do great stuff.

right now then Im downloading the new adobe programs, after fx is going to be really fun to learn tomorrow and Im looking forward to the assignments as well.
with this godnight and hope you enjoy the reading.

Time for some motion!

Gotta get some action, its finally done for motion time, this is gonna be great!
I'll write more about it at the end of the day.  I might have more to say then.

Fantasy Interactive

I love Fantasy Interactives blog, Think Swedish.
You might see that I got some influences to my own blog from them.

check it out, good inspiration and good reading.


Godmorning Hyper Island

A new day at Hyper Island with all the Digital media students.
Its pretty calm here today, right now around 10 people in the class here.

I've just finished downloading and installning the new CS 3 Design pack and this weekand Im about to buy a mouse for my computer. Maybee I'll buy a bigger screen as well. I will look into that.
Yesterday or if it was wednesday I told you that Im about to tell you things about the digital media trends. here is my vision of it after interviews with a couple of agencies in London.

- First of all the social networking part will grow bigger, the agencies have to find ways to use them. Creative solutions, interactive solutions with the people who are a part of a social network is effective.

 - We more and more have to take notice of the mobile technology- iphone have taken the market by storm.

- SEO(search engine optimization), we talked about this google phenomenon last year, I was a bit passive on it but its a fact that Google have all the chances in the world to become the internet GOD.

there is a lot of more trends going on but for the moment these three is the major ones from my point of view. Especially the one with social networking, since youtube and facebook is two of the biggest sites today.


Today we hade a process were we went through the whole project again, with reflections and analysis about everyone who was involved with the work.
We gave each other feedback on the work and everyones effort in the project.

I really enjoyed this project, but I think that myself I could have taken more responsibility.

Now I have to take care of some stuff before the motion lectures next week. that will also be fun, but Im thinking about going home to Vasteras tonight. that would be great.

Presentation - London grupp 3

tredje dagen på veckan, tycker tiden går så oerhört snabbt!

Vi hade idag våran London presentation, den gick relativt bra dock så tycker man ju att vi kunde gjort lite mera, men det är bra med morötter för nästkommande presentationer.
Jag tror också jag börjar gilla att prata inför folk, förrut har man ju varit lite nervös kanske men nu har det släppt helt och det är oerhört kul att prata om saker som folk tycker är intressanta. Kommer ju bara bli bättre och bättre också.

fanns nog några saker man skulle tänkt på när det kom till presentationen:
- vi borde ha skrivit på engelska
- vi borde ha haft tydligare öppning och avslutning
- vi borde presenterat oss
- vi borde ha visat flera case direkt i webläsare för att folk skulle få en känsla utav byrån
- vi borde repat in det en gång

vid mitt första "vi borde" så kom jag på själv att jag borde skriva bloggen på engelska, so here it goes, everything from now on will be in English, hope you like it. Later on tonight I might describe some upcoming media trends and own reflections of them.

klockan är alldeles för mycket och jag sitter fortfarnade i skolan, undrar när jag ska ta mig hemmåt.

Det går ganska många tåg fram till halv 1 typ, det är perfekt då vet man att man kommer hem iaf.
Om man inte tar det som går från Telefonplan 04:54 imorgon bitti.
Visar sig väl.

Jag är "Internet Explorer"

Övertid, får man cash för det i skolan också?

Sa precis att jag skulle skriva något värt,
men fan på den här övertiden gör vi ju inte direkt nå mer värt än försöker hitta på bra saker att göra.
Men snart ska vi sätta igång med en presentation det blir spännande sen drar jag nog tillbaka hem och sover för att sen dra till skolan imorgon igen.
Skönt att dagarna går sjukt snabbt.

Är vi klara 12 imorgon så kommer jag njuta som fan!
bara lägga mig hemma och kolla tv och sova!


En bit på vägen.

Vi har kommit en liten bit med allt nu.
Fick svar från Bloc media - bättre svar än vad jag hade hoppats på och fick ut mycket viktig information av dem, känns dock lite små dumt att ligga på byråer ganska hårt för att få ut den faktan vi behöver man hade nog kunnat planera lite bättre.

Medan Henrik sitter och sammanställer allt så börjar Martin och Fredrik med en Flash presentation, själv ska jag börja analysera lite mera om trender och kolla upp det , skriva nått rufft utkast på trender och vad som är hett i London nu.

Dags att fortsätta nu.

Bloc Media, Airside, Hi-Res, AKQA we all love London.

Ny dag ny vecka ny månad(nästan), det är i alla fall den första måndagen i september 2007.
Vi håller fortfarande på och jagar företag att fråga ut om olika saker inför presentationen på Onsdag hoppas allt löser sig men det brukar det ju göra. Jag ska ringa en kille på ett företag som heter Bloc Media om någon timme och hoppas på att han nu vill svara på mina frågor.

Förra veckan så kollade vi på Brindfors och det var en mycket rolig föreläsning, fick som vanligt mera inspiration och ska nu börja lära mig flash igen när man äntligen kommer åt servern .
Ska också börja lite lätt i After FX och läsa lite om CSS blir intressant.

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