Do I know motion? I know design.

Dont even care about the headline, its a reaction to the two assignments that have owned me for the past two days.
First it was the pentagon movie, we made it 30sec long and filled with a lot of pentagons, my part was awful but it was also the first time I had worked in the program.

The second assignment was the individual 15 sec long movie, Im not really satisfied with it because the process right now is so fast, Im learning new stuff every minuite in After Fx and I get new design ideas all the time.
If I could do it over again, it would be better and different, but I will have this movie as a meassurement for the future, to look back at and realise that "damn was I this bad at After Fx and flash?"

Tomorrow we will have evaulation of the stuff we did on the motion week, I really enjoyed it and will surely play in after Fx a lot this weekend, try new tutorials and new ideas.

I dont really know how long i have been sitting in school this week but already around 40 hours, thats crazy since its thursday and we havnt even started yet.

Some goals for the future:
- Learn more camera and light effects in After FX
- Read some more about CSS and PHP
- Some simple action scripts in Flash

that will do for now!
best regards,


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